Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Remember, when it comes to looking uber trendy and cool, less is more. If you're going for the large designer sunglasses then great, but leave the diamond choker or chandelier earrings at home. If you really, really must go out and about in that designer jewellery that is bound to draw attention to you, then leave the designer sunglasses at home. Or so they say.

In the news this week, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has been slated for going over the top on bling. After being snapped in his designer sunglasses along with designer watch it was commented that he was distinctly lacking in the classic French style that the world has come to expect.

It is now expected that a style guru will be brought in to advise and re-dress ahead of the President's visit to the UK. Never mind world poverty or global warming, let's make sure he looks the part! This world is fast becoming a ridiculously shallow place. I'm sure this man has much more on his mind than if his watch matches his sunglasses or not!

Surely, we should leave these world leaders to get on with the important jobs of bringing down crime rates and securing the future for our planet than to pressure them into having a certain style of dress? Can we not just leave it to the likes of airhead celebrities to stress over whether or not their designer sunglasses are the right colour size?

When you look at the statistics of optical diseases, then the President is someone to be followed. Age related macular degeneration, where the damage is usually done by early adult hood, is an ever increasing problem. Destroying the central region of the retina, this is the leading cause of loss of eye sight and so much can be done to protect a person from this. Not least, wearing designer sunglasses.

To compound this problem, it has been found that those with this debilitating eye disease also have a heavily increased chance of dying from heart attack or stroke. There is no obvious connection that the medical world can come up with at present, it just seems according to statistics, that this is the case. The only lead medics currently have is the possible connection between heart health and the drugs that are administered for AMD.

On a lighter note, if you like designer sunglasses, you'll love the latest invention to come out of Japan. Intelligent glasses come with built in computer, camera and display screen. Work is being carried out to make these into everyday useable glasses that will aid the wearers everyday life by helping to remember where you left things.

A compact video camera will film everything you see, using a viewfinder that fits over one eye. It will be connected to a small computer worn on the back that will process and be able to recall all information. To programme the glasses, the user wanders around the home for a while, concentrating on things he uses regularly (assuming, of course, he knows where they are!) and when he comes across the item he is to say the name of it for the computer to learn to recognise the object and name eg. phone, keys.

When that item then goes missing, the wearer states what he is looking for and the computer will recall the last known place it 'saw' them. It cannot cope with other people hiding or moving the objects as so frequently happens in my home! The Smart Goggles are perfect for those 'senior' moments that we all suffer from, the only thing they won't do is help you find your glasses.

So, if it's designer sunglasses for show, smart glasses for those forgetful moments or essential eye protection, face furniture is here to stay.
By: Catherine Harvey